New edition: 2024/25
This Interuniversity Master in Audiovisual Education & Communication is a Postgraduate certificate of excellence open to professionals working in Communication (journalists and broadcasters) and Education (teachers and professors), and all those who are interested in media and technology in the new knowledge society context.
The world of Communication is in immediate need of an ethical and educational focus; at the same time, Education requires technological and media tools to improve teaching quality and to give it direction and a viable future in modern society.
The merging of Communication and Education in Educommunication, with the full backing of UNESCO, the UN and European Parliament, will undoubtedly be the key to fomenting a more democratic, responsible and critical citizenry. The training of educommunicators, experts in Media Education, is the lynchpin of this International Postgraduate course.
This Official University Postgraduate Course of Excellence in 2024/25 is:
- International: aimed at students worldwide, especially those from Latin American and European countries, with support from international organizations and visiting professors.
- Interuniversitary: promoted by two universities - the International University of Andalucia (UNIA) and the University of Huelva (UHU), with the collaboration of more than 20 Spanish universities and 42 professors, of whom 28 are from non-UHU-UNIA universities.
- Run by a highly qualified teaching staff, experts in Communication and Education. All professors are PhD holders who work at the most prestigious universities in the country (17 full professors, 17 university lecturers, 7 expert teachers in education and communication).
- The best guarantee for research and future doctoral studies, given that the teaching staff on this course has directed more than 60 doctoral theses at universities across Spain.
- A double line of investigation in communication and educational ICTs with the option of further study of a doctoral thesis (a Research Master) with the possibility of obtaining a International Doctorate Mention
- Backed by Grupo Comunicar, a long-standing Spanish media collective with more than 35 years’ experience in Educommunication, with scientific coordination provided by the Agora Research Group which forms part of the Andalusia Research Plan (PAI-HUM-648). This group has been cited many times by the Regional Autonomous Government of Andalusia (Junta de Andalucía) for its research excellence, prolific scientific output, and for the high number of PhD holders on its staff and doctoral theses directed.
- Supplemented by professional job experience with companies in the sector and practicum at Uniradio, UHU’s radio station, at TV studios, digital laboratories, a multimedia studio, videoconference rooms…
- A course that offers interuniversity and international exchanges with high-ranking universities in Spain and Europe through the SICUE/Erasmus programmes.
- Provided with the best technical infrastructure for students and teachers: Multimedia Resource Centre (UHU); Audiovisual Service (UNIA); e-learning, virtual campus and support from UNIA and UHU.
Master directed by: Dr. Ignacio Aguaded
Official Master Verified by Quality Assurance Agencies (Spain)